Taking Care of Yourself: Commit to Eating Healthy

Starting a healthy diet is not as difficult as sticking to it. Fatigue, mood swings, stress, hormonal imbalance...

January 17, 2022

Starting a healthy diet is not as difficult as sticking to it. Fatigue, mood swings, stress, hormonal imbalance, and cravings can make maintaining a diet difficult. And whether it comes to weight loss or fitness, this is a big challenge that a many of us face.

Here are some ideas and strategies for staying consistent when eating healthy.

  1. Take It One Step at A Time

You don't have to make drastic dietary changes right away. It is recommended to make tiny changes to your diet. For instance, you can begin by drinking water instead of soda or eating fruit instead of chocolate or candy. Once you've gotten used to this minor change, make another one in a week or two until you start eating much healthier within the next few months. This technique makes sticking to a balanced diet much easier.

  1. Select Foods That You Enjoy

This is critical when starting a diet. If you hate salads, don't make them the focus of your new diet. Don’t eat foods just because they're nutritious; eat them because you enjoy them.  

For some, it might be yogurt, almonds, tofu, cottage cheese, salads, and oatmeal; while for others, it could be walnuts, lean beef, salmon, and asparagus. Choosing healthy foods that you enjoy will help you stick to the diet for much longer.

  1. Remove All Unhealthy Snacks and Foods from Your Home

If you keep junk food in your house, you're more likely to get tempted to eat it at some point. But if you get rid of these foods from your home, you won't be tempted. Remove any candy, fried foods, refined flour products, and baked foods from your refrigerator and cabinets.

  1. Carry Some Healthy Snacks with You

Maintaining a healthy diet might be challenging when you are away from home for the majority of the day. When you're on the go and you're hungry, you might grab whatever is most convenient. This is usually processed foods that do not satisfy hunger and are unhealthy in the long term. Having high-protein snacks will help you control your appetite until you can eat a full meal. Some examples of healthy snacks that you can bring along with you are peanuts, jerky, and almonds. You can also carry yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, or cheese.

  1. Consume Food with Awareness

Eat everything slowly while sitting down and take your time to enjoy every bite. It will be much more difficult to allow yourself to binge eat, eat mindlessly, or eat off plan when you do this.

  1. Hydrate

Hydration is one of the most vital aspects of staying healthy that is frequently overlooked during the day's chores. Make sure you always have a bottle or jug of water by your side when you're working. You can flavor the water with mint leaves or cucumber. Drinking water can help you feel refreshed and invigorated.

  1. Reduce The Intake of Processed Meals You Consume

The healthiest shopping options aren't always in a box. Packaged convenience foods such as soup cans are often processed in some way. When eating, try to opt for ‘whole foods’ - foods with only one component - such as vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruits, and whole grains. You can also keep washed, sliced produce in your fridge to make meal prep easier.