Taking Care of Yourself: Reducing Stress

Stress is not always a bad thing! To deal with unpleasant events in our daily lives, we need a certain degree of..

January 17, 2022

Stress is not always a bad thing! To deal with unpleasant events in our daily lives, we need a certain degree of stress. Physical changes that occur in the body when one is stressed allow your brain to know it’s time to take action. These changes dissipate rapidly once the problem is resolved.  

However, staying in a high-stress condition for an extended period can be harmful to our health.

Stress impacts our mental, physical and emotional health, as well as how we behave!

Stress overload can cause physical symptoms such as fatigue, poor sleep, headaches, dizziness and tension in the shoulders and neck. Stress can also impact our mental health since it raises levels of cortisol, a hormone that influences brain function. High cortisol levels can lead to anxiety, uncontrollable thoughts, poor concentration, and difficulties making judgments. Emotional symptoms of stress can include anger, feelings of overload, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

If left unresolved, chronic stress can impair your ability to feel and perform at your best — emotionally, mentally, and physically. Since everyone experiences some degree of stress occasionally, it's critical to understand how to deal with it.

These basic approaches can assist you in dealing with stress.

  1. Maintain A Healthy Diet and Regular Physical Activity

Physical activity and proper diet are two key factors in how a person responds to stress. When your body is in good shape, your mind may follow suit and vice versa. Physical activity is a fantastic stress reliever and an aid in improving your health and quality of life.  

Stress can deplete vitamins such as A, B complex, C, and E; thus, nutrition is crucial. Maintaining a healthy diet benefits your body and your mind, allowing you to handle stress better.

  1. Connect With Others

Human beings are social creatures. To feel supported, you must establish relationships with others. Finding a sense of belonging, whether with a religious group, at work, or through shared interests like organized sports, is critical to your happiness. Taking part in a shared activity can allow you to find support and develop relationships that can help you through difficult times.

  1. Consume A Well-Balanced Diet

A poor diet can make you more receptive to stress. Reaching for high sugar, high-fat foods, or emotional eating may bring a short-term sensation of relief, but they will only add to your long-term stress. Cookies and french fries, for example, can trigger a blood sugar increase. When your blood sugar levels drop, you may feel more stressed and anxious. A balanced diet might help you deal with stress in the long run. Foods such as walnuts, eggs, and avocado, can help to regulate mood and energy levels.

  1. Make A Habit of Talking to Yourself Positively

How you talk to yourself matters. Harsh self-criticism, catastrophic predictions, and self-doubt are not helpful. You will become stressed if you continually think about worst-case scenarios or how bad you are at something.

Positive self-talk can assist you in developing a more positive mindset. A positive, empathetic talk can also help you in managing your emotions and taking positive action.